Student representatives

Student representatives are a crucial link between the student body and the university, and their mission is to bring the voice of students to various decision-making bodies.

Student representatives play a key role in monitoring of student interests. They are students elected by the students' union to represent the interests of students in various bodies of the University. Their main task is to bring forward the views of the students and the union, and ensure that these views are heard in the decision-making processes.

The student representatives have the responsibility to inform other members of the university's bodies about the students' perspectives, and that the opinions expressed by the union in its opinion program are taken into account. By participating in meetings and discussions, they help shape decisions related to educational quality, study environment, and other issues important to students.

Student representatives are usually elected for an academic year, but some positions may also be appointed on a calendar-year basis. All student representatives receive training from the union's student liaison officers so that they are well prepared for their task.

The appointment of student representatives takes place at different levels:

  • Local Level: Student representatives at the local level are appointed by the sectional associations. These representatives work in bodies such as departmental boards or program councils.
  • Faculty Centre Level: At this level, student representatives are appointed by the union's student liaison officers. These representatives participate in work groups and boards that address issues relevant to the entire faculty.
  • University Centre Level: Student representatives at this level are appointed through Uppsala University's United Student Unions (UUFS), where all six student unions at the university cooperate.

To ensure that student representatives convey the views of the union and students effectively, they shall follow a specific policy. This policy helps maintain a high standard and uniformity in student representation.

According to the “Guidelines on Students' Working Conditions at Uppsala University”, elected students who have compulsory course sessions that clash with meetings shall be given the opportunity to undertake these sessions at another time, provided that it is practicable and economically feasible. This ensures that student representatives can pursue their academic commitments while carrying out their tasks.