Union magazine Techna

Techna is the official union magazine of UTN. Each issue we mix entertainment with news from campus, where all content is created by students for students. Our magazine is a platform for creativity, debate and information, and we strive to always be up-to-date and relevant for you as a student.

Get involved in Techna

Do you have a passion for writing, photography, layout or illustration? Techna is the perfect place for you to express yourself creatively and contribute to the life of the union. Our non-profit editorial team is made up of committed students and we are always open to new members. Whether you have experience or just a willingness to learn, there is a place for you with us.

As a member of Techna's editorial board, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Improve your writing skills as a writer
  • Develop your photographic talent
  • Design and create layouts that capture the reader's interest
  • Illustrate and give life to our pages with your art

No task is too small and every contribution is valuable. We appreciate the diversity of our team and believe that it is your unique perspectives that enrich our content.

More about Techna

Techna is more than just a magazine; it is a document of student life at Uppsala University. We monitor everything from research progress to student experiences and give you insight into both large and small events that shape our student world.

Since 2002 Techna has been a voice for the students at Uppsala University. The editorial board is a diverse group of students from various science and engineering programs, from first-year students to those continuing their education after the undergraduate level.

Contact information

Are you interested in getting involved, have questions or want to know more? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to our creative team. Be an influence, share your voice and make Techna an even better magazine for all technologists and natural scientists here in Uppsala.