In November, more than 120 companies will come to Polacksbacken to connect with you amazing students during Utnarm, UTN's career fair. To make that happen, there is the Utnarm Committee and its group coordinators.
The Engineering and Computer science students’ reception consists of around 50 people divided into three committees and one working group. Together they arrange a reception for almost 1000 new students.
The Puzzle Hunt Rally Committee, or Rallykå, consists of 10 members who together organize a rebus rally at the end of September.
The prep course in mathematics (Proppen) is held during the reception of the new students at the start of every fall semester. The course is a two week long “catch-me-up” in upper secondary school mathematics for all the new engineering students as well as the new natural science and computer science students.
The Polhacks Committee is a relatively small committee of about 10 people who plan and implement Polhacks, UTN's annual game festival.
The Master and Exchange Reception is responsible for arranging activities and events for all master's and international students at the TekNat Faculty.
The rafting committee, Forskå, arranges the rafting that takes place in Fyrisån during Valborg every year. Ahead of the River Rafting, Forskå organizes an eight-day Forsfestival, where everyone who wants to eat and drink well in the tent in the area, participate in activities or admire rafts built by students who are going to raft.
The Ball Committee (Balkå) works every year to create one of the union's most elegant events held at Uppsala Castle, the Science Students’ ball!
The event group continuously arranges lunch lectures and other exciting events to maintain a high level of business connection.
The Environment Group is active in both reducing the environmental impact of the many and large student activities already offered, as well as initiating new meetings and activities with a focus on sustainability.
The Marketing Group is a bit of an extended arm of the Information Officer and consists of a group of students who like to work creatively with photography and film.
UTN's Pub Crew is the working group that plans and organizes Thursday pubs, the section fight and staffs the bar and kitchen during rentals at Uthgård.
The Digitisation Group develops and maintains the corps websites, apps and IT systems.
At Uthgård there is Café Bocken which sells coffee and food for student-friendly prices. The café is run by the union's cafe manager together with the café group consisting of committed students.