Union cooperation

Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students is actively involved in various collaborations to strengthen student influence and improve conditions for students at local, national and international levels. Through collaborations with organisations such as Uppsala University's United Student Union (UUFS), Swedish National Union of Students (SFS), Reftec, SNAK and Nordtek, UTN works for a better study time for all.

Our partners and their focus areas

  • UUFS - Student influence at university central level
  • SFS- Student political issues at national level
  • Reftec - Labour market policy, student union issues
  • SNaK - arbetsmarknadspolitik, studentfackliga frågor
  • Nordtek - Engineering education, innovation, student mobility

Uppsala University United Student Union (UUFS)

UUFS was formed to unite the voices of the six student unions towards Uppsala University. The organisation works to strengthen the affinity of central student representatives, offer forums for the exchange of experience, and establish uniform procedures for the appointment of student representation. UUFS is a central part of ensuring that the voice of students is heard in all areas of the university's operations.

UUFS includes Uppsala Student Union, Pharmaceutical Student Association, Gotland's Student Union Rindi, Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students, Uppsala Law Student Association and Uppsala Business and Economics Students Association.

Swedish National Union of Students (SFS)

As a member of the Swedish National Union of Students (SFS), UTN participates in influencing education policy for students in Sweden. SFS has a long history of running successful campaigns for student rights and conditions and serves as a powerful national platform for student influence.

Reftec — Swedish Technological unions in collaboration

Reftec is an association of Sweden's largest technology unions and represents approximately 70,000 technology and science students. Through Reftec, UTN coordinates its efforts with other technology unions to strengthen students' position in the labour market and in student union work.

Reftec includes Chalmers student union, Linköpings teknologers studentkår, Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Teknologkåren at Luleå University of Technology Teknologkåren at Lunds Tekniska Högskola, Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students and Umeå Student Union of Science and Technology.

SNaK - Sveriges Naturvetarkårer

SNaK är en sammanslutning av kårer som representerar naturvetarstudenter. Inom SNaK samarbetas det främst kring utbildningsfrågor, men även arbetsmarknadsfrågor som rör naturvetarstudenter diskuteras.

SNaK består av Göta Studentkår, Linnékåren,  Lunds Naturvetarkår, Stockholms universitets studentkår, Ultuna studentkår och Uppsala teknolog- och naturvetarkår.

Nordtek - Nordic and Baltic cooperation

Nordtek is a network for the principals and deans of technical universities in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Through Nordtek, UTN partners with other technical universities to promote engineering education, entrepreneurship, innovation and student mobility across national borders.

Get involved

All UTN members have the opportunity to get engaged and influence through our collaborative channels.

By working together, we can make a bigger difference for all students. UTN is proud to be a part of these collaborations and look forward to continuing to work for a strong and unified student voice.