What It Means To Be Engaged

Discover how you can contribute to student life and develop personally by getting involved in the Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students.

UTNs styrelse. Från vänster: Signe Jönsson, Erik Edlund, Dante Wensby, Tim Nedergård och Maja Eneström.

UTN's Board. From left: Signe Jönsson, Erik Edlund, Dante Wensby, Tim Nedergård and Maja Eneström.

Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students has a plethora of engagement opportunities ranging from being part of a committee to being a project manager, participating in working groups, and holding a full-time salaried post.

Engagement spans a range of areas, including study coverage, where you can work to improve the quality and content of trainings, to organising major events such as Rafting, which brings students together in one of the most memorable events of the year.

Städfestival vid Uthgård

Once a semester, all those involved work together in a joint effort to clean the corps premises during the traditional cleaning festival.

Each engagement in UTN offers unique experiences and opportunities to grow, learn and contribute. Whether it's through planning events, managing corps communications, or representing student interests, there is always room for committed individuals who want to make a difference and develop professionally. In addition, the full-time salaried posts provide a chance to work deeply with the operations of the Corps and gain valuable insights into management and organizational work.

Use your academic years not only to learn in the classroom, but also to gain real-world skills and experience by getting involved in UTN — a place where your contribution counts and your voice is heard.

What does a commitment mean?

Getting involved in Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students means more than just participating; it is a chance to actively influence and improve students' academic and social conditions. As an engaged member, you get a unique platform to raise voices, contribute to decision-making and run projects that have a direct impact on the study environment at Uppsala University. Your commitment leads to you being not only part of the UTN community, but also a catalyst for change and innovation within the university and the broader student body.

By taking an active role, whether as a team member, project manager, or in a full-time salaried post, you help shape education and strengthen the quality of student experiences. You will have the opportunity to work alongside other students and academic staff to realise ideas and initiatives that make a real difference. Engagement in UTN is a way to build bridges, create long-lasting collaborations and ensure that the needs and desires of students are always at the heart of the university's development.

When and how can I apply for different roles?

If you're ready to take the plunge and get involved in UTN, your journey starts here. Engagement in the union is open to all technology and science students at Uppsala University, and there are many ways to go. The application process for the various engagements varies over the year, with specific times for when records are opened for applications. In order not to miss any opportunities, keep up to date via UTN's website and newsletter where up-to-date information on vacancies and application deadlines are regularly published.

När en post publicerats på apply.utn.se ligger den ofta uppe i minst 10 dagar.

The preparation process

The selection process is designed to be fair, transparent and inclusive. It begins with a call for vacancies, where all interested members are welcome to apply. After the end of the application period, candidates undergo a rigorous selection process which may include interviews and assessment of relevant experience and skills in relation to the requirements of the role.

Vilka det är som håller i intervjun kan variera. För poster som tillsätts av kårens fullmäktige eller heltidsuppdragen brukar dessa genomföras av kåren valberedning. De flesta övriga uppdrag intervjuas av antingen kårens styrelse eller ansvarig instans för den post du sökt.

Be a part of the change — become a member today!

Frequently Asked Questions About Engagement Within UTN